Volunteer Sign Up

Bridge to Bridge Run depends on community volunteers to make the event a resounding success.  Right now, we’re looking for fabulous people like yourself to help in the following areas:

  • Course Monitors – Direct participants through the course and help manage traffic to protect the participants.
  • Course Captain – Coordinates Course monitors to get them to the right location with the right equipment at the right time.
  • Course Sweeps — Lead Sweep(s) bicycles ahead to lead the first runner through the course .. must be able to average 15 mph on the bicycle.  Closing sweep(s) follow (may walk or bike) the last runner to officially close down the course, dismissing Course Monitors and Water Station.
  • Water Station Captains – work with our Water Captain to pick up tables for the respective water stations on the course, set up the water station, supervise water station volunteers, provide water to participants during the event, and return the tables.
  • Water Station Volunteers help set up water stations, fill cups, dispense water to participants, pick up cups and trash, and help take down the water station after the Closing Sweep  passes.

To sign up as a volunteer, please Register Here.  Any questions, please contact Golda Ewalt at goldaandbob@hotmail.com